Unplugged 2.0

unplugged 2

So last November I posted about how I had took some unexpected time off from my blog and social media.  It was refreshing to take some time off away from living an online persona and just focus on my actual, real life.  Don’t get me wrong, I love interacting with people online… in fact, it’s how I talk to some of my siblings and cousins since we live in different states.  But I remembered that refreshing feeling I got from not using it, so I knew I’d want to take a break again.

For the record, no, I’m not taking break from my blog or anything… because I already did.

For the last two days of July I unplugged from technology entirely.  I forewarned my family and friends that I’d be doing this so if they needed to get in touch with me, they would know to contact my brother Sammy instead.

By “unplugging from technology” I mean from most modern technology – my laptop, phone,  television and video game systems – basically any type of technology that I could end up wasting a good part of my day with.  So I still used my iPod Shuffle for running, since it has no Internet capability.

So what did I do for two whole days without that kind of technology?

Well, I read quite a bit.  I finished reading Mockingjay since it’s been sitting on my desk for some time now… and I read Connor Franta’s book ‘A Work In Progress’ which I had borrowed from my brother Seth.

I also played a few board games when I wasn’t reading, so I’m now aware of how much fun you can actually have with board games, because after not playing them for a while I forgot they were.  I even got outside with my brother and a few friends to play some messy Twister (and bonus! I was able to check that off my 17 Before 17 list!).

messy twister

And to top it off I spent some time helping out at my church, but not anything tech-related (which is how I usually volunteer there).

After two days without technology, I can say that I do feel pretty refreshed, but it’s not something I can do all the time.  I do think I can try to unplug for a longer period of time, only I’ll let myself make exceptions for work and phone emergencies.  I just so happened to be lucky enough to not have to work those two days and I didn’t need to use the phone for any reason.

So my questions is, have you ever ‘unplugged’ in any sort of way?


About Sly Campbell

Sly is a 18 year old college student who enjoys photography, riding his bike, cooking vegan meals, reading, and web design. Oh, he enjoys writing too. View all posts by Sly Campbell

8 responses to “Unplugged 2.0

  • shreya24x7

    Hi I’m Shreya!
    Love the post. You have great content on your blog. Looking forward to reading more of your posts.
    I am relatively new to the blogging forum so please feel free to visit my blog and leave some feedback if you even find the time.
    Enjoy your summer.
    Shreya xx

    Liked by 1 person

  • Kristina Van Hoose

    It’s refreshing to get away from technology sometimes. It’s also difficult at times too. We’re so connected to the here and now that anything that takes longer than 2 seconds is annoying. Board games are fun. What is messy twister though?

    Liked by 1 person

  • kangopie

    this was a good way to unplug… someone said recently that when you dip into social media you dip into feelings. you can end up happy or angry, depressed or disgusted just based on the emotions that are out there. the break just lets you get in touch with you… and your feelings … and you get so much free time as well…

    unplugging is a great idea. if you want to unplug for longer periods of time you can get a simple basic phone one that has a battery that lasts a few days and doesn’t do whatsapp or hangouts or twitter… then you’re available to anyone who needs to get in touch without still being plugged in.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sly Campbell

      Hmm, that’s a good point. It actually goes make sense that you dip into the emotions that are out there.

      And that’s a good idea. I might do that, just buy an extra simple phone that isn’t a smartphone :) Thanks!


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